Friday 17 February 2017

The Wonderful use of Brown Paper in the Kitchen

The first of many:

Let us start with the Kitchen first. The place where aroma rules, where tactics work, where every single experience makes our way!!

Our grannies and mothers have been in general practice to place newspaper in kitchen drawers, cupboards and shelves. In today’s world where occupation has gone multifold, where working couples juggle for home chores and maintenance, this old method of using newspaper is time consuming. Its time consuming when it needs replacement with a new one, by again folding it in the measurement of the drawer or cupboard. Instead, there is one more economical way to do it. With a use of Brown paper - Yes! the brown paper which we use for covering books etc for school going kids, which on its top have a thin cellophane sheet by default attached to it. 

The benefits of using it- 
  1. If something spills on it, this dark coloured paper down and plastic cellophane sheet attached to it on top, helps us in cleaning faster with a wet wipe and dry cloth . Its ready for reuse !
  2. It definitely lasts longer than a newspaper, almost a year to say. While cleaning, just use a damp cloth and put it back in place again.
  3. Not to ignore, the use of it in all drawers and cupboards of the kitchen uniformly adds aesthetics to the  user.
  4. There are few drawers and cupboards that are used more like the one which has tea/ coffee/ sugar/ spice box etc…there if we put a layer of newspaper and then on top we use brown paper, then its life increases as drawers are generally made up of thin rods.
  5. Last, this brown paper is readily available.

So, try this out in your one drawer, and if you like it, you may spread it in your full kitchen. 

Please do write in your feedback. 
Shall share more soon!!!



  1. Good one Upasana ☺👍 very useful tip indeed, will try this out!!

  2. What about aesthetics? Trends of products available in the market?
